Tutorial 9: Reflecting on Action and Outcomes - Overview
Congratulations you are almost done with cycle one. It is now time for REFLECTION. And this is the most important step, as it will be where you will develop new ideas. Reflect on what you did, and what happened, and then WHY it happened as best you can figure out. What matched your expectations and what surprised you? Where did you feel effective and when were you less satisfied with your actions? Did you learn something from the data analysis that was not evident in the setting? Often we have the sense from reading responses that there was consensus about how effective one strategy was, but then you code the data, you find that, in fact only a small number of respondents mentioned it. We hear and see things that we are looking for or that we expect to find. When we look at data more carefully we often see different things, or see things differently. The reflection is the time to sort through your thinking, decide on what is significant and plan the next cycles.
Tutorial 9 Video: Reflections on Cycle Actions

Tutorial 9: Resources
A. The Difference between Descriptive and Reflective Writing
B. Reflection Spirals
C. Reflection Questions and Frameworks
Tutorial 9: Activities
A. Analyze: Review your Journal or Blog
B. Write: Draft your Cycle 1 Reflection
C. Evaluate: MetaReflections