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Welcome to the Open Action Research Self-Directed Tutorials!

I hope you will find them helpful either for your learning or to help support action researchers with whom you work. The site is a revision of tutorials posted originally posted on Wikispaces in 2015.  Please feel free to use the videos, the activities, the resources or templates to support your teaching or learning of action research.  The site was created to help educators who are part of the International Education And Resource Network (iEARN) who engage in action research to improve their skills and knowledge in global education.  I created a self-paced resource that can be used to either refresh or develop one's understanding of action research. This video was recorded at the second annual  Action Research Network of the Americas 2014 Conference and explains my purpose in creating this site.  I want to thank all of those people who shared the resources and video clips that I used in creating these tutorials.  I continue to revise the tutorials as I use them to support a team of 13 action researchers from iearn, some new to action research and others who have been working since 2014. Their knowledge is shared on


































Overview of Tutorial Topics

I: Overview of Action Research - Resources for this tutorial have a list of action research networks to join and resources to explore.

2: Understanding Action Research -Links to some concise statements about action research and a chance to compare your own understandings with hundreds of thousands of others in a worldwide poll.

3: Your Research Question - Provides a value search process, or the exploration of critical questions to help focus on an area of action research.

4: The Context - Strategies for contextualizing action research in a local setting; strategies for exploring the relevant research to create a literature review

5: Plan For Action - Planning strategies include a force field analysis, development of a logic model, and formation of an ethical plan

6: Cycle 1 in an Iterative Process - Ideas for framing the cycle research question which forms a blueprint for taking action in the first of the many cycles of action research.

7: Collecting Data - Learn how artifacts--photos, observations, drawings, student work -- and more can be data and how to design a data collection plan.

8: Analyzing Data - Explore descriptive, qualitative, and quantitative strategies for analyzing data. Developing research skills evolves over time. 

9: Reflecting on Actions and Outcomes - Reflection is at the heart of action research. Sharpening reflective skills is one of the best ways to learn.

10: Cycles of Change - The iterative process of action research--how to think about cycles that are not always sequential.

11: Writing your Action Research Report
 - Sharing research results through writing or online presentations creates new knowledge and extends the learning to people outside of the setting.

12: Your Identity as an Action Researcher - Doing action research changes your identity and your career.


This course is made up of 12 tutorials; each has three parts:

  1.  An intro video (~10 mins) (all of the videos are available on an action research channel on youtube).

  2.  A set of activities to complete (with google doc templates to download) 

  3.  The resources needed to complete the activities in each tutorial

There is also a template workbook to download and use to help write the activities.

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