Welcome to the Open Action Research Self-Paced Tutorials!
This resource from the Center of Collaborative Action Research is designed to support the learning or teaching of action research. Please feel free to use the videos, activities, resources, or templates to support your teaching or learning of action research. The goal is to create a self-paced resource that can be used to refresh or develop one's understanding of action research. The video explains my purpose in creating the site. I have tried to credit the thinking of others, but since these activities have evolved from years of teaching and reading, I fear I might not always be able to remember the source of ideas. I place them here in a public space for communal use. I continue to revise the tutorials, and I share the work of those who use the tutorials on the Center for Collaborative Action Research and on iearnactionresearch.org . You can write to me directly at mmriel@gmail.com
Set of Tutorials
I: Overview of Action Research - Resources for this tutorial have a list of action research networks to join and resources to explore.
2: Understanding Action Research -Links to some concise statements about action research and a chance to compare your own understandings with tens of thousands of others in a worldwide poll.
3: Your Research Question - Use either a value search process or explore critical questions to help you focus on the area of your action research.
4: The Context - Strategies for how to contextualize your research in your local situation and to explore your ideas in the research literature with a review of relevant literature.
5: Plan For Action - Planning strategies include a force field analysis, the development of a logic model, and the formation of your ethical plan.
6: Cycle 1 in an Iterative Process - Ideas for framing the cycle research question which is a blueprint for taking action in what will be the first of many cycles of action research.
7: Collecting Data - Learn how artifacts--photos, observations, drawings, student work -- and more can be data and how to design a data collection plan.
8: Analyzing Data - Analysis does not have to be complicated, depending on your level of skill you can create simple or more complex analyses. Developing research skills takes time so start easy.
9: Reflecting on Actions and Outcomes - Reflection is at the heart of action research, and all of us can sharpen our reflective process-- it is one of the best ways to learn.
10: Cycles of Change - The iterative process of action research--how to think about cycles that are not always sequential.
11: Writing your Action Research Report - Sharing your work is important, written work extends your ideas without you needing to be present.
12: Your Identity as an Action Researcher - Doing action research is also becoming an action researcher and how you think about that will help you in your current and next project.
This course is made up of 12 tutorials; each has three parts:
An intro video,
A set of activities to complete
The resources needed to complete the activities
There is also a template workbook to download and use to help write the activities.